Billy Joe Shaver allegedly shot a man in the cheek last week, and still was able to make his Greatest Hits in-store performance at Waterloo. I haven't been blogging about the incident because I've been swamped with work, and haven't had time for much anything else. However, Linda over at Still Is Still Moving has done a great job of following the story.
I won't go into the details, but let me just emphasize that I support Billy Joe 100%. I reckon he was probably drinking, but the man he allegedly shot was reportedly drunker than him - and agressively brandished a big-ole hunting knife. Other reports differ and say that Billy Joe was the aggressor, with him saying "Where do you want it?" and "Tell me you're sorry - no one tells me to shut up."
Regardless of whatever comes out in the wash, you don't mess with Billy Joe Shaver - I don't care who you are. He is the true definition of Americana, and a national treasure. Do I think it's right to shoot people? No. Do I think he's above the law? No. But I do think he is an outlaw, and that he'd have to be awfully riled - and have a darn good reason, to pull his piece.
Billy Joe is a bit of a redneck - but so am I, so take that into consideration. As my dad said about the incident - "Aww, that dude he shot is doing just fine - he's not dead." Remember folks, this is Texas. You don't bring a knife to a gunfight.
At the beginning of his in-store at Waterloo, Billy Joe said "It's great to be anywhere". At his performance, he looked haggard, after posting $50,000 bail, but put on a heartfelt and upbeat performance. When he closed, he said "Don't forget to pray for me, and tell your kids to pray for me, too."
I bet there will be more than a few songs written about this authentic Cowboy/Outlaw/Poet.
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